I’ve been putting off starting a blog for years now… I mean, I had a blog until starting my business and then ironically stopped blogging when I started Yetta Reid Photography. Definitely backwards. Definitely doesn’t make sense but here we are. It seems that sitting in the car outside of preschool while between shoots and picking up my 3 year old is the perfect time to see if we can jump back into the blogging life.
It only took 45 emails back and forth with showit and inmotion to try to get my new system up and running. What I used to be able to do on my own now apparently takes a team. Clearly and unfortunately, I’m not getting more tech-savvy as I get older. I hate sounding like I have no idea what I’m talking about but that definitely just happened as I sent screenshot after screenshot making sure that I had the right IP, DNS, SSL, PQRSTUV, and whatever else they needed me to change. We overcame though and the blog seems to work!? I think? I’m counting on you to let me know if you see any problems.
It seems like as good of a time as any to reintroduce myself! I’m the Yetta of Yetta Reid Photography! I’ve been doing business in Loudoun County VA full time since my 2nd son was about 3 months old… he’s turning 5 this year! It’s been a joy to intimately watch, literally through my lens, families grow. I specialize in newborn, maternity, and family photography! I absolutely love capturing life and helping families save these special moments that are so very fleeting.
As a mom of 4 boys, I’m so very aware of how quickly they grow up. Documenting my family’s story and printing albums is one of my favorite hobbies. Pictured above are Cal, Theo, Johnny, and Wes — they’re just as wild and wonderful as they look. Ian is my husband. He’s an incredible dad which I think is also conveyed in that photo. Wrestling is one of their favorite pastimes so it’s only natural that is shown in the photo as well.

Everything they say about being a boy mom is true! It’s a privilege and a joy. Every one of my boys is a momma’s boy and they all shower me with more affection than I deserve but please don’t tell them because I’m so thankful for their unending love and grace.
I’m a stay-at-home, homeschool mom who is also trying to run a business which is far from easy but also a true gift. It’s my daily goal to inspire my children, through my own example, to live a life with a purpose, not to shy away from hard work, always to dream and be entrepreneurial, and to show kindness and love to everyone with whom they interact.
And now that I’ve just written a small book, I’m not sure that this is what people are interested in reading. In fact, I honestly don’t know what people are interested in reading OR maybe you just want to see photos! So, I guess that is where you come in… tell me what to blog about! I’ve heard blogging is important for photographers but I don’t want to just be another boreing voice on the internet, I’d love to share something that people are interested in reading.
Please leave me a comment with ideas of what to write about or just say hi so that I know I’m not alone here. <3
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